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Exclusive Wire Fraud Coverage for FNF Agents

Mortgage payoffs have become the biggest cause of wire fraud loss in the real estate industry. Now, you can purchase the industry’s most comprehensive insurance to reduce this risk.

Each payoff wire transaction covered by the solution includes:

Up to $2M in coverage when verified using CertifID PayoffProtect.

Up to $350k in E&O coverage from Riebling Insurance for all FNF authorized title agencies at no cost.

Up to $150k in further coverage through Riebling Insurance for nominal cost.

Complete the form to speak with an expert.

Then select a time that works for you.


Just combine use of PayoffProtect
with the FNF-Pak Program:

Input wiring details

Your work is done, in less than 2 minutes

Input wiring details, PayoffProtect does the rest.

CertifID status

Receive valid & safe payoff instructions

CertifID status is achieved via the proprietary PayoffProtect solution.


Get up to $2.5M of insurance and peace of mind

Say goodbye to time-consuming and risky payoff verification.

How FNF Agents can stay ahead of wire fraud

Michele Green, SVP National Agency Operations at FNF walks agents through the latest wire fraud threats, the risks of inaction and the numerous ways in which everyone can be more proactive in protecting their clients and business.

Secure and Save on your E&O Policy

Secure your business with CertifID and you'll receive up to a 10% credit on your annual E&O policy with Riebling insurance. Learn more

What’s next for Cyber Insurance?

You’ve probably heard the rumors about insurance companies paring back coverage as fraud risks grow. And you’re probably asking yourself - do I have enough coverage?


Together, with industry leaders like Dan Riebling from the FNF-Pak, Riebling Insurance, we’ve put together an overview of:

  • How cyber insurance has evolved
  • Cyber insurance options
  • Tips on evaluating coverage
  • How to find the right policy for your business

While the industry will continue to change, we hope this white paper will give you the guidance you need to ensure you’re protected, today.


PayoffProtect covers +95% of all payoffs including the nation’s primary lenders:

Mr. Cooper
Wells Fargo
Rocket Mortgage
Lake Michigan
Bank of America
Freedom Mortgage
Flagstar Bank
US Bank
Fifth Third Bank